Building is always an act of a certain brutality.
The architect often only can or wants to conceal this act.
MUTE HORIZONS interprets the territorial logics of limit, border and segregation.
The pavilion commits to sabotage its sculptural quality as an object, as an architectural spectacle, in order to offer – a space- honest, absolute and true.
MUTE HORIZONS is the translation of implicit spatial realities acting upon contemporary society.
The brutality of the act and its materiality erases the notions of interior and exterior in order to generate a path for the visitor that successively unveils the other exhibited pieces.
Construire est toujours un acte d’une certaine brutalité.
L’architecture ne peut/ne veut souvent que dissimuler cet acte.
HORIZONS MUETS interprète les logiques territoriales de limite, de frontière, de ségrégation. Le pavillon s’engage dans le sabotage de sa qualité d’objet sculptural, de spectacle architectural, afin d’offrir - un espace – intègre, absolu et vrai.
HORIZONS MUETS est la traduction d’une réalité spatiale implicite agissant sur la société contemporaine.
photos: Eric Chenal